Happy New Year 2023!
"THE YEAR OF AGREEMENT" Matthew 18:19-20
Co Pastor & First Lady Yvonne S. Jones

Elder Yvonne S. Jones gave her life to Christ as a youth while working tirelessly and effortlessly in many different capacities in her childhood church, Zion Baptist. Through her witness, discipleship and down-to-earth teachings she was already impacting and influencing many lives and bringing souls to Christ.
Affectionately called, “First” or Lady Jones, Yvonne is the Co- Pastor at the Divine Destiny Cathedral, under the leadership of her husband and ministry partner Bishop James A. Jones Sr. While they are partners in ministry, in her own right, Lady Jones is a powerful and effective messenger of the gospel where the core of her message is LOVE: love God, love yourself and love one another.
Lady Jones is the epitome of strength, unity and love. Her passion to nurture women back to a place of being healed and made whole has inspired and birthed HealHer Ministries. This process of change is where Lady Jones is able to use her honesty and transparency of her past to help many in their future. Her greatest desire is to see people encounter the living God and grow in greater knowledge of Him, trust Him and embrace Him as their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Lady Jones is also an exceptional team player. She preaches, teaches, sings, cooks and clean the house of God if necessary. There is no task too great or small that she will not assist. Not only is she a true servant to the Kingdom of God but she is a genuine woman after God's own heart. To that end, she will remain steadfast, unmovable; always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as she knows, her labor is not in vain in the Lord. She and her husband, Bishop James A. Jones Sr. have three children and one loving grandson.